Thursday, August 27, 2020

The taming of the shrew character profile Essays

The subduing of the vixen character profile Essays The subduing of the vixen character profile Paper The subduing of the vixen character profile Paper Exposition Topic: The Taming Of the Shrew Generally rumored all through Padua to be a vixen, Katherine is foul-tempered and harshly toned toward the beginning of the play. She continually affronts and corrupts the men around her, and she is inclined to wild shows of outrage, during which she may genuinely assault whomever maddens her. In spite of the fact that the greater part of the play characters basically trust Katherine to be naturally testy, it is absolutely conceivable to believe that her horrendous conduct comes from despondency. She may act like a wench since she is hopeless and edgy. There are numerous potential wellsprings of Katherine㠯⠿â ½s despondency: she communicates envy about her dads treatment of her sister, yet her uneasiness may likewise originate from emotions about her own nuisance, the dread that she may always lose a spouse, her abhorring of the manner in which men treat her, etc. To put it plainly, Katherine feels strange in her general public. Because of her insight and autonomy, she is reluctant to assume the job of the lady girl. She plainly detests societys desires that she comply with her dad and show effortlessness and kindness toward her admirers. Simultaneously, nonetheless, Katherine must see that given the inflexibility of her social circumstance, her solitary would like to locate a safe and cheerful spot on the planet lies in finding a spouse. These innately clashing driving forces may prompt her hopelessness and poor temper. An endless loop results: the angrier she turns into, the more outlandish it appears she will have the option to adjust to her endorsed social job; the more distanced she turns out to be socially, the more her annoyance develops. Regardless of the mortifications and hardships that Petruccio adds to her life, it is straightforward why Katherine may capitulate to wed a man like him. In their first discussion, Petruccio builds up that he is Katherines scholarly and verbal equivalent, making him, in some capacity, an energizing change from the handily ruled men who regularly encompass her. Petruccios persuasive treatment of Katherine is all around intended to give her that she has no genuine decision however to adjust to her social job as a spouse. This adjustment must be appealing to Katherine in some way or another, since regardless of whether she loathes the job of spouse, playing it at any rate implies she can deserve admiration and thought from others as opposed to endure the general repugnance she gets as a vixen. Having a social job, regardless of whether it isn't perfect, must be less excruciating than consistently dismissing any social job whatsoever. In this manner, Katherines inevitable consistence with Petruccis self-serving stressing shows up more sane than it may have appeared from the start: before the finish of the play, she has increased a position and even a definitive voice that she recently had been denied. Petruchio Petruccio is an honorable man from Verona. Uproarious, disorderly, erratic, clever, and much of the time alcoholic, he has come to Padua à ¯Ã¢ ¿Ã¢ ½to wive and thrive.㠯⠿â ½ He wants in vain in excess of a lady with a huge endowment, and he sees Kate as the ideal fit. Ignoring each and every individual who cautions him of her petulance, he inevitably succeeds in charming Katherine, however in quieting her tongue and temper with his own. The egotistic, narrow minded, irregular Petruccio is one of the most troublesome characters in The Taming of the Shrew: his conduct is amazingly hard to unravel, and our translation of the play in general changes significantly relying upon how we decipher Petruccis activities. In the event that he is simply a vain, wanton, avaricious jerk who regards marriage as a demonstration of control, at that point the play turns into a dull parody about the realism and want power that direct relationships under the pretense of dignified love. On the off chance that, then again, Petruccio is really fit for adoring Kate and imagines subduing her just as a way to understand a glad marriage, at that point the play turns into an assessment of the brain science of connections. A case can be made for either translation, however reality with regards to Petruccio likely lies some place in the middle of: he is audaciously egotistical, materialistic, and resolved to be his wifes ruler and ace, yet he likewise adores her and acknowledges in some capacity that household agreement (on his standing, obviously) would be preferable for her over her present life as a vixen in Padua. To this degree, Petruccio goes to disturbing lengths to force his authority on Kate, keeping her drained and hungry for quite a while after their marriage, yet he additionally demands surrounding this treatment in a language of affection, demonstrating his excitement for Kate to adjust to her legitimate, socially selected spot and his ability to make their marriage a cheerful one. Most importantly, Petruccio is a comic figure, an overstated persona who ceaselessly makes the crowd giggle. Furthermore, however we chuckle with Petruccio as he Kate, we likewise giggle at him, as we see him parody the very sexual orientation imbalances that the plot of The Taming of the Shrew at last maintains.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Proceso expedito para tramitación urgente de visa

Proceso expedito para tramitaciã ³n urgente de visa Cuando se inicia una solicitud o peticiã ³n bet el Servicio de Inmigraciã ³n y Ciudadanã ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglã ©s) los plazos de tramitaciã ³n pueden ser muy largos. Por lo que es razonable plantearse si es posible acelerarlosâ mediante un pago premium. La respuesta es afirmativa pero sã ³lo en casos relacionados con peticiones por trabajo. En este artã ­culo se informa de los casos en los que se puede pedir el aceleramiento en la tramitaciã ³n de una peticiã ³n mediante un pago premium, quiã ©n lo puede solicitar, cunto se demora, cul es el costo y cã ³mo contactar con USCIS para resolver problemas o dudas que surjan en dicha tramitaciã ³n. Tramitaciã ³n expeditaâ con USCIS mediante un pago premium Es posible un pago premium en peticiones por trabajo, que comprende dos grandes grupos: cuando se solicita  para un extranjero una visa de trabajo temporalâ en la que el empleador debe utilizar el formulario I-129.o cuando el empleador utiliza una planilla I-140 para pedir por razã ³n de trabajo una tarjeta de residencia permanente, conocida tambiã ©n como green card. Tambiã ©n se admite, en casos extraordinarios, auto-peticiã ³n por parte de un trabajador. Esto significa que puede solicitarse en los siguientes casos: Visa E-1, comerciante al amparo de un tratadoVisa E-2, inversor al amparo de un tratadoVisa H-1B, trabajadores extranjeros especiales o modelos. En este caso el gobierno ha anunciado la suspensiã ³n worldly del proceso expedito que se reanudar el 10 de septiembre de 2018.Visa H-2B, trabajadores temporales para trabajos no agrà ­colasVisa H-3, trabajadores en prcticas o visitantes de intercambio en el campo de la educaciã ³n especialVisa L-1, L-1B y LZ, trabajadores transferidos dentro de una empresa o subsidiarias de la mismaVisa O-1 para trabajadores con extraordinaria habilidad en Ciencias, Deportes, Arte, Educaciã ³n o NegociosVisa O-2 para trabajadores que child un apoyo esencial para los titulares de una visa O-1Visa P-1, P-1S, P-2, P-2S, P-3 y P-3S, para deportistas individuales y de equipo, artistas y individual de apoyo para participar en un programa o evento à ºnico o que formen parte de un programa de intercambio cultural.Visa Q-1, para extranjeros participando en un p rograma de intercambio social internacional Visa R-1 para religiososVisa TN-1 y TN-2, para canadienses y mexicanos al amparo del Tratado de Libre comercio (NAFTA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s)Visa EB-1, para extranjeros con habilidades extraordinarias, profesores e investigadores excepcionales y gerentes y ejecutivos de multinacionales.Visa EB-2, para profesionales con titulaciã ³n avanzada o habilidad excepcional.Visa EB-3, para profesionales, trabajadores especializados y otros trabajadores El USCIS puede suspender temporalmente el procesamiento premium para alguna de esas visas. En el momento en que se escribe este artã ­culo no est vigente ninguna excepciã ³n. Es decir, se puede aplicar para todas las peticiones enunciadas. Costo del procesamiento premium y a quã © da derecho En la actualidad es de $1.225. Sin ban, esta cantidad puede variar por lo que es muy conveniente verificar con la pgina oficial del USCIS. Si la solicitud se hace por web utilizando el sistema de e-record, el pago puede realizarse mediante tarjeta de crã ©dito, dã ©bito o transferencia desde una cuenta de un banco en Estados Unidos. Por el contrario, si se envã ­a una solicitud en papel, el pago debe hacerse mediante un check de un banco en Estados Unidos o por cash request. El pago da derecho a que el USCIS acuerde una respuesta en el plazo de 15 dã ­as naturalesâ a contar desde el dã ­a en el que se recibiã ³ la solicitud de procesamiento premium con su correspondiente pago.â La respuesta no significa siempre que se obtiene la aprobaciã ³n, sino que puede ser cualquiera de las siguientes: Una carta de aprobaciã ³n de la peticiã ³n de visa o de tarjeta de residenciaUna carta en la que se pide ms informaciã ³n o documentaciã ³n. Es lo que se conoce como Peticiã ³n de Evidencia o RFE, por sus siglas en inglà ©s.Una carta en la que se notifica la intenciã ³n de rechazar la peticiã ³n. Se conoce como NOID, por sus siglas en inglà ©s.Y, finalmente, puede que lo que se notifique es que se  inicia una investigaciã ³n porque se sospecha que la peticiã ³n es fraudulenta o se ha mentido en la misma o se ha presentado documentaciã ³n de apoyo falsa. En el caso de que USCIS haya respondido con una RFE o una NOID, el solicitante debe contestar en el tiempo que se le otorga en la notificaciã ³n. Y, una vez que el USCIS recibe lasâ alegaciones o la documentaciã ³nâ adicional que pidiã ³, tiene que responder en el plazo de 15 dã ­as naturales. En casos extraordinarios puede suceder que USCIS no responda dentro de los 15 dã ­as siguientesaâ haber recibido la peticiã ³n de tramitaciã ³n premium.â En estos casos est obligado a regresar el coste del trmite y, adems, a responder inmediatamente.â Adems, el pago premium da derecho an utilizar un telã ©fono particular gratuito, el 1-866-315-5718, para resolver dudas o hacer preguntas relacionadas con la peticiã ³n de la visa. Cã ³mo se solicita el pago premium para acelerar una peticiã ³n con USCIS El formulario para solicitar laâ aceleraciã ³n de los trmitesâ es el I-907. La solicitud se puede realizarâ conjuntamenteâ con el envã ­o de los formularios I-129,â en el caso de visa de trabajo worldly, o I-140, cuando se solicita la tarjeta de residencia por trabajo. Tambiã ©n puede enviarseâ por separadoâ en un momento back. Resaltar que la peticiã ³n de tramitaciã ³n acelerada sã ³lo la puede solicitar la empresa o emprendedor o su abogadoâ que child los que piden la visa. Nunca puede solicitarla el beneficiario de la peticiã ³n, excepto en el caso en el que un trabajador de cualidades excepcionales solicitaâ una tarjeta de residencia para sã ­ mismo sin patrocinador. Por el contrario, el pago del formulario I-907 pueden efectuarlo no sã ³lo la empresa oâ su abogado, sino tambiã ©n la persona extranjera que resultarã ­a beneficiada por este trmite.  ¿A quã © no da derecho el pago premium para acelerar los trmites? En groundwork lugar, este pago no levanta los lã ­mites anuales en el nã ºmero de visas que se pueden aprobar dentro de cada categorã ­aâ por aã ±o monetary. Es decir, si se ha agotado el nã ºmero de visas disponibles, con o sin pago premium roughage que esperar al siguiente aã ±o financial para que se abra de nuevo la disponibilidad de visas. Tampoco da derecho a beneficios additional en los casos en los que existe una loterã ­a para determinar quiã ©nes child los beneficiados de una visa, como por ejemplo con las visas de la familia H, en specific con la H-1B para profesionales. En los aã ±os en los que el nã ºmero de concerns excede en menos de una semana al all out de visas disponibles para un aã ±o financial se procede a decidir por sorteo quiã ©n es el ganador. El pago de procesamiento premium no da ventaja en esa loterã ­a. En tercer lugar, el pago premium no se admite en visas o en tarjetas de residencia cuyo proceso se inicia con formularios distintos al I-129 o al I-140. Por ejemplo, no es posible en las visas de turista, estudiante, intercambio, and so forth. Tampoco en las peticiones de green card por razã ³n de familia, algunas de las cuales sufren grandes demoras, como child los casos deâ las peticiones de ciudadano americano para hermanos, hijos casados o hijos solteros mayores de 21 aã ±os o las de residente para sus hijos solteros mayores de 21 aã ±os. Este artã ­culo es informativo. No es asesorã ­a legitimate para ningã ºn caso concreto.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Frame Your Argument - What Should You Frame Your Argument On?

Frame Your Argument - What Should You Frame Your Argument On?Argumentative philosophy essays and philosophy papers need to consider a number of different topic areas. The thesis statement is one of the most important aspects of an argumentative essay. The key issue here is how you frame your thesis statement.Framing the thesis statement is a very important aspect of the entire essay. The main focus of your thesis should be the problem facing the society at large. If you are saying that the problem facing the society at large is the reduction of education, you will be under great pressure to come up with some impressive arguments. You can do this by using multiple arguments, supporting them with statistics and facts, and coming up with your conclusions in a logical manner.Now, you have to understand what makes an idea acceptable or unacceptable. Any idea should be based on the idea's merits, so you need to make sure that your idea will stand on its own merit. At times, an idea will be based on a trend that has no value whatsoever. This will always need to be acknowledged when you try to come up with an idea.Another part of framing the thesis statement is to see whether the basis of the argument is factual or not. In other words, if you are stating that your idea is factual, you need to be aware that people will try to discredit your idea before they will allow it to be accepted. You will need to study and read the literature to see what arguments have been made and their results. So it is very important that you check out some of the great books and literature on the subject and check their claims. Your ideas will not stand, if you are basing them on false information.Besides the facts and figures, another key part of framing the thesis statement is to make sure that your main argument does not contradict itself. You should not have to check every point that you make because many people do this. That is why there are so many arguments that go around. When you st udy the world, you will find that the amount of knowledge can be overwhelming, especially when you come to such a large number of facts and figures.When you are trying to write your main argument, it is very important that you be aware of how to define your terms. It is often good to ask yourself what you mean by the word 'property'all-property'. There is always a lot of dispute over the words that people use. You should be very careful that you do not come out with a vague term that has no meaning in your mind.Another aspect of framing the thesis statement is that you make sure that your argument does not fall into the category of a question. This will usually happen when the writer starts out by mentioning a particular event and ends with writing about a particular event, and then asking the reader to decide whether or not the first event happened or not. You need to remember that you cannot do that in an argumentative essay. This is where it gets tricky.If you attempt to ask a qu estion in your argument, the answer that you get should be the one you should base your argument on. There is nothing wrong with considering an answer as a question, if you were going to have been looking for an answer anyway. However, when you do not provide any answer, your argument becomes a question, and you must be aware of this fact. As a result, you will have to do your best to ensure that you do not have to do this. You should have a clear vision in mind of what you want to write about.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments 1848

Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott wrote the Declaration of Sentiments for the Seneca Falls Womens Rights Convention (1848) in upstate New York, deliberately modeling it on the 1776 Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Sentiments was read by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, then each paragraph was read, discussed, and sometimes slightly modified during the first day of the Convention when only women had been invited and the few men present anyway were asked to be silent. The women decided to put off the vote for the following day, and permit men to vote on the final Declaration on that day. It was adopted unanimously in the morning session of day 2, July 20. The Convention also discussed a series of resolutions on day 1 and voted on them on day 2. Whats in the Declaration of Sentiments? The following summarizes the points of the full text. 1. The first paragraphs begin with quotes that resonate with the Declaration of Independence. When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one portion of the family of man to assume among the people of the earth a position different from that which they have hitherto occupied ... a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes that impel them to such a course. 2. The second paragraph also resonates with the 1776 document, adding women to men.  The text begins: We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights governments are instituted, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.  Just as the Declaration of Independence asserted the right to change or throw off unjust government, so does the Declaration of Sentiments. 3. Mens history of repeated injuries and usurpations in order to an absolute tyranny over women is asserted, and the intention to lay out the evidence is also included. 4. Men have not permitted women to vote. 5. Women are subject to laws they have no voice in making. 6. Women are denied rights given to the most ignorant and degraded men. 7. Beyond denying women a voice in legislation, men have oppressed women further. 8. A woman, when married, has no legal existence, in the eye of the law, civilly dead. 9. A man may take from a woman any property or wages. 10.  A woman can be compelled by a husband to obey, and thus made to commit crimes. 11.  Marriage laws deprive women of guardianship of children upon divorce. 12. A single woman is taxed if she owns property. 13. Women are not able to enter most of the more profitable employments and also avenues to wealth and distinction such as in theology, medicine, and law. 14. She cannot obtain a thorough education because no colleges admit women. 15. The Church alleges Apostolic authority for her exclusion from the ministry and also with some exceptions, from any public participation in the affairs of the Church. 16.  Men and women are held to different moral standards. 17. Men claim the authority over women as if they are God, instead of honoring womens consciences. 18. Men destroy womens self-confidence and self-respect. 19. Because of all this social and religious degradation and disfranchisement of one-half the people of this country, the women signing demand immediate admission to all the rights and privileges which belong to them as citizens of the United States. 20. Those signing the Declaration declare their intention to work towards that equality and inclusion, and call for further conventions. The section on voting was the most contentious, but it did pass, especially after Frederick Douglass, who was in attendance, supported it. Criticism The whole document and event was met at the time with widespread disgust and mocking in the press, for even calling for womens equality and rights.  The mention of women voting and the criticism of the Church were especially targets of derision. The Declaration has been criticized for its lack of mention of those who were enslaved (male and female), for omitting mention of Native women (and men), and for the elitist sentiment expressed in point 6.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Homelessness is a Decision not a Condition Essay - 903 Words

Homelessness is a Decision not a Condition Homeless people are not always the victims that the media have portrayed them to be. The alarming fact is that many of the homeless are there by choice. Dont get me wrong, I am not trying to portray all homeless people as lazy people who dont want to take care of themselves. This couldnt be further from the truth. In my experience with the homeless they are usually either in bad health, addicted to drugs, mentally ill or a combination of any of these. To compound matters worse, they are usually without any type of legitimate income to support themselves. One day last winter, I was leaving work and I was approached by a street-person. Living in the city most of my life, I had†¦show more content†¦He recently lost a part-time job washing dishes. He did take advantage of some of the social services offered by local churches and government agencies. Unfortunately, he was not willing to commit fully to doing what the local shelters and the programs required. Last but not least, he revealed his name to me. This mans name was Adrian. If you have spoken to a homeless person you will find that many have actually had a home at one time or another. They usually wind up on the streets after losing their job or burning bridges with family members. Adrian was no exception to the rule. I asked Adrian if there was anything that I could do to either re-unite him with family or possibly help him find work. He showed a lot of interest in obtaining some type of employment. With a little networking, we were able to land Adrian a job washing dishes at a local restaruant. I even purchased a pair of water proof boots to get him started. This was obviousily not the first time that Adrian had help in finding employment. After speaking to the manager of Adrians previous employer, I found that Adrian had been given many chances to keep his employment, but he was unwilling to show up on time and sometimes he wouldnt show up at all. Obviousily, a job as a dishwasher was not going to end Adrians financial woes, but it was definately a foundation for any potential success. About week after Adrians first day on theShow MoreRelatedSocial Problems Within The Australian Society1215 Words   |  5 PagesA Social Analysis – Homelessness There are a growing number of social problems existing within the Australian society and unfortunately, research does not need to prove this. All it takes is a stroll down the main street of some suburbs to realise the extent of social problems within society. Homelessness is a rising trend that is affecting people of all demographics. 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Introduction: Homelessness in NewRead MoreThe Effects of Homelessness on Children1654 Words   |  7 Pagesmental abuse and drug use. Homelessness gained public attention in the late 1970s because homelessness became more visible when it began to include women and children. Today homelessness can be linked to various other problems. It is estimated that 200,000 thousand Canadians have lived in or used the services of a homeless shelter. On any given night, as many as 30,000 thousand Canadians experience homelessness and as many as 50,000 thousand Canadians may be â€Å"hidden homelessness† victims. In other wordsRead MoreHomelessness Is The Common Reason Of Homelessness Essay1449 Words   |  6 PagesMiski Jafe Instructor Name ENG 111 4 December 2016 Homelessness in charlotte Over the past year, homelessness is rapidly increasing in America and across in the world. poverty and mental illness is the common reason of homelessness, these people face an extremely struggle just to live despite the fact that society turns its head from the problem. Homelessness is one of the tragedies that one can face, People who live at poverty level and have mental disorders are more likely to become homeless.Read MoreWe Must Stop The Hunger Of Homelessness1303 Words   |  6 Pagestrusting and believing people will acknowledge you and want to assist. Realizing that you are not judged by who you are but rather what you will be, you understand that the vast majority in the world doesn’t comprehend homelessness, and curious as to if the conditions in homelessness will ever change. All through the world, it is difficult to number the accurate measure of destitute, however it is known to be millions. Consistently in urban areas and towns across nations, men, women, and children

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What Was The Cold War About - 1987 Words

What was the Cold War about? The Cold War was a conflict between the two superpowers in the 20th century: the Soviet Union and the United States of America. There are many arguments what was the conflict about: the general view is it was an ideological, political, economical, cultural and militarial difference between the two states or containment was America’s response for the Soviet expansionism. This difference divided and shaped the world politics, not just the two countries domestic politics. However, John Mueller argued the Cold War was about something else than these differences: the constant fear from the possibility of the spread of the communist ideology which was the most important base of the Soviet Union politics and its†¦show more content†¦However, it is important to know, the Soviet Union could have not face another war, it was as weak as Europe, and the possible threat was more a myth than reality: the USSR lost more people in the war than any other countries: the number is betwe en 7 and 20 million both civilians and military. The USSR and the United States fought as allies against the fascism, and by the end of the war the tension was very noticeable and grew rapidly between the two powers. It is important to examine the post war order; the war had destroyed the former empires and strong counties other than the US and USSR. Their spheres of influence after the war we can easily state that both sides got what they wanted. The fear of Soviet-led Communist world spread in the western countries, and they were not completely wrong. As Raymond Garthoff states the opposition that the US was afraid of the USSR because it was much stronger than it was before the two world wars: â€Å"Within the framework of ideological conflict, the Americans and the Soviets waged the Cold war as a geopolitical struggle, more in terms of traditional balance-of-power politics than in terms of class struggle or global containment/deterrence theory. If ideology was the only thing driving the superpowers in the Cold War, why do we see the conflicts arising from the ashes of World War II rather than as stemming from the October Revolution of 1917?† In my opinion the USSR did not mean aShow MoreRelatedEssay about What Was the Cold War?2291 Words   |  10 PagesWhat Was The Cold War? After World War II America and Russia became superpowers. Even thought they fought together against the Nazis they soon became hostile rivals. Between 1945 and 1989 the two countries and their allies were involved in a conflict known as the Cold War. The United States and the USSR never used weapons directly against each other. So how was the Cold War fought? The Cold War was fought through Proxy Wars, the Nuclear Arms Race, spying, strong words and threats, prestige, and theRead MoreInterview of a Person Who Lived During the Cold War890 Words   |  4 PagesCold War Interview -Yujean Chan 1. What do you remember hearing about the Cold War? What did people say about it? When I was a kid I remember hearing about nuclear weapons on the radio and my parents used to mention it too. I also remember hearing about the Cuban Missile Crisis though I didn’t really understand much about it since I was too young and I lived in Britain so I did not worry about it. I didn’t hear much about the war from friends or in class. I remember hearing about the Russians andRead MoreWhy The Cold War?. By:Nabil.O. Mrs. Stark. English. March826 Words   |  4 PagesWhy the Cold War? By:Nabil.O Mrs. Stark English March 17th 2017 People think the Cold War was like every war where they fought and fought until someone won, but no the Cold War was unique, because a lot of lives would be gone if it was an ordinary war. The Cold War was a result of the U.S/USSR involvement, the different economical ideas, and the authoritative powers of the nations involved. The Cold War started around 1947 after World War II andRead MoreEssay about Ss310 Unit 2 Assignment - Cold War1015 Words   |  5 PagesUnit 2 Assignment – Cold War Tezra Lee Kaplan University The Cold War represents the disputes between the Soviet Union and the United States, and may be the most noteworthy political issue of the late 20th Century. The Cold War was a very political issue because it influenced foreign policies, impacted our economy, and even affected Presidential elections. The United States was worried that the Soviet Union would extend communism throughout Europe with its power and control over smaller andRead MoreConceptions of the Cold War Essay1006 Words   |  5 PagesRADZIK What words or phrases come to mind when you think of the term Cold War? The term Cold War can be defined as the period of political impasse which existed between our country (U.S.A.) and U.S.S.R. from the early 1950s until the fall of Communism in the early 1980s. Words and phrases associated with Cold War include, race to arms, race to space, Bay of Pigs, and The Berlin Wall. Did you ever study the Cold War in school? 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In addition, public protest against testing of nuclear weapons was gaining power. Nevertheless, talks between the two sides carried on for years, usually coming apart when the issues of verification were raised. Both the U.S and t he British greatly wanted on-site inspectionsRead MoreTaking a Look at the Cold War1237 Words   |  5 Pagescovering is the Cold War and question number six. The Roosevelt Administration was determined to avoid a retreat like the one that followed WWI. The United States itself had sole possession of the atomic bomb. The United States goal was to expand democracy. America saw that there needed to be global economic reconstruction. The Soviets looked to model the rest of the world after their own values and origins. It indeed had to do with Soviet Expansion. The Russians didn’t want to go to war with the UnitedRead MoreUnderstanding the Cold War Today652 Words   |  3 Pagesunderstand the Cold War today. For example, what do everyday people today think of when they hear the term Cold War? This is what you are going to find out! Each of the three people whom I asked was unanimously ignorant about the Cold War. Two of them knew something about it, but lacked the immediate sense that those living in the era possessed. Interview One The person was born in the 1970s and came of age in the 1980s. Although she may have experienced something of the Cold War climate in herRead MoreRethinking Cold War History, By John Lewis Gaddis1340 Words   |  6 PagesGaddis, John L. We Now Know: Rethinking Cold War History. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press1997. We Now Know: Rethinking Cold War History, is a book about the Cold War. This book was written by John Lewis Gaddis. John L. Gaddis is a Cold War historian. He portrays the Cold War in English and through the dialect of others. The thesis of this book is, I seek to situate this book at a particular point in time, not to claim timelessness for it. This is what I think we know now but did not know

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Carolyn Kizers Bitch Closing the Doors on the Past free essay sample

The poem Bitch by Carolyn Kizer, published in 1984, is one that truly grasps the readers attention, beginning with the title itself. The overall tone of this poem intertwines the feelings of sadness and anger and also reveals quite a bit about the speakers past. The speaker is referring to her inner self as the bitch and her hurt condition is clearly present throughout the poem. She uses words such as bark, growling, slobbers and whimper to drive this meaning across to the reader. It is in the speakers own representation of her inner self as a bitch, one that not only bark[s] hysterically, but also may whimper, and even cringe. The speaker is easily inclined to remember past memories from the relationship and struggles with revealing her inner emotions and putting on a calm outward appearance. This is an experience which is quite familiar to me, as a reader. We will write a custom essay sample on Carolyn Kizers Bitch: Closing the Doors on the Past or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I am often faced with the choice of being a bitch to someone (ex-boyfriend, annoying relative, a backstabbing friend etc) and showing how I truly feel or being a controlled and relaxed young woman. Kizer uses the imagery of a dog throughout the poem to show the speakers different emotions. Bitch begins by describing an encounter between the speaker and an ex-lover. Lines 1 and 2 (Now, when he and I meet growling) reveal that these two have not kept in contact over the years. Although the speaker feels hurt and angry about the past, she tells herself to control her emotions. She is fghting with herself to not let her true feelings show. Should she scream out in anger or break down in tears to express her hurt state? Or should she stay quiet and maintain her calm nature? There is obviously tension present in these first few lines. At this point in the poem, the reader does not know ow or why this relationship ended, but the break-up clearly hurt the bitch more than it hurt her lover. The speaker displays an outward appearance of kindness and self-control, while she is really growing more and more furious inside (lines 5 and 6). My voice says, Nice to see you, as the bitch starts to bark hysterically). In line 7 (He isnt an enemy now) the speaker is telling herself that she should not be dwelling on the past because her ex cant hurt her anymore. The bitch seems to be doing fine in controlling her emotions until line 9 when her ex-lover asks her: *dow are the children? They must be growing up. An immediate change of tone occurs here. There is an internal struggle going on between her heart and her mind. The speakers mind is telling her to be polite to her ex, forget the past and move on. The bitchs heart, on the other hand, is keeping her from moving on and causing her to struggle with feelings of desire. This is clear, for example, in lines 10-13: Ata kind word from him Down, girl! Keep your distance. The speaker knows that if she up getting hurt. Kind words and gestures can often be deceiving and I have learned that unfortunately charming people are dangerous. I have been hurt numerous times y such personalities by only looking at their kind side and ignoring other flaws. The bitch is warning herself to not get caught up in this trap of feelings again. Quite a bit of information about the past is exposed in (lines 17-21): She is basically loyal Until he was ready to play. This means that the speaker was always loyal and kind to her lover, but he was bored with her and still thought that she was not good enough. The imagery here is being compared to the relationship between an owner and his loving and loyal dog. Some words that emphasize this relationship are running, lay at his feet, and ready to play. A bitch is always ready to do what one wants and it is clear that this was the sort of relationship that the speaker and her lover had. If he want ed her to wait for something, she was willing to wait. If he needed something, she would get it for him. If she was given an order, she would immediately act upon it. The image of an obedient dog comes to mind while reading these ending stanzas. Although the speaker is struggling with feelings of anger and repression, she still desires reconciliation. Her emotions are running wild with memories of her past, but she knows she cant express them. She wants to be the bigger person in this uncomfortable situation because she knows she will end up getting hurt again if she barks or whimpers. In the final lines of the poem, from lines 28 to 34, the speaker reveals her final thoughts and emotions of the past and, especially, for this man, whom she cared for. The speaker seems to have given up her tender feelings for him. As she reveals these aspects, she also gives the readers and the bitch, or at least the woman that she was, some information on this man she has been speaking to. The readers learn that the unidentified man has perhaps remarried? (Line 31) Since he bitch sees that he has moved on with his life, she knows that it is only right that she does as well.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Free Essays on Finance Report

Lamar Swimwear Trend Analysis In this second trend analysis we looked at the Lamar Swimwear Company. In a few of the ratio areas Lamar is not up to industry standards but are not that far off pace. In other areas they seem to fail miserably when their ratios are compared to the standard of the industry. Trend analysis looks at the performance of the company in a number of ways and compares them to the rest of the industry. Though not in many cases was Lamar able to meet the industry standards even though they saw a minimal increase in sales from 2001 to 2002 and from 2002 to 2003. The profitability ratios for Lamar were not far from industry standards. Their profit margin came in at 6.4% versus the standard of 7.9%. The profitability ratios allow a firm to measure their return on sales, assets and invested capital. When an organization runs into problems with these ratios it can sometimes be explained by how well they utilize their current resources. The profit margin shows what a firm receives on the return of the sales dollar (6.4%). Their return on assets also is lower than the average at 5.7% versus the standard of 8.9%. To increase this number they must find a way to turnover their assets quicker. The second group of ratios we look are how well a company utilizes its assets. Lamar does not collect its receivables as fast as the rest of the industry. Their receivable turnover is 5.2% compared to the 9.3% of the industry and it takes them 31 more days to collect their accounts receivable. These ratios simply show how long a customer’s account stays on the book. Lamar is able to generate more sales per dollar of inventory because the inventory turnover is 6.5% versus the average of 5.1%. Liquidity ratios are the third group of ratios that a firm looks at during a trend analysis. When comparing these ratios a firm may look at their ability to pay off short-term obligations as they happen. Lamar’s current ... Free Essays on Finance Report Free Essays on Finance Report Lamar Swimwear Trend Analysis In this second trend analysis we looked at the Lamar Swimwear Company. In a few of the ratio areas Lamar is not up to industry standards but are not that far off pace. In other areas they seem to fail miserably when their ratios are compared to the standard of the industry. Trend analysis looks at the performance of the company in a number of ways and compares them to the rest of the industry. Though not in many cases was Lamar able to meet the industry standards even though they saw a minimal increase in sales from 2001 to 2002 and from 2002 to 2003. The profitability ratios for Lamar were not far from industry standards. Their profit margin came in at 6.4% versus the standard of 7.9%. The profitability ratios allow a firm to measure their return on sales, assets and invested capital. When an organization runs into problems with these ratios it can sometimes be explained by how well they utilize their current resources. The profit margin shows what a firm receives on the return of the sales dollar (6.4%). Their return on assets also is lower than the average at 5.7% versus the standard of 8.9%. To increase this number they must find a way to turnover their assets quicker. The second group of ratios we look are how well a company utilizes its assets. Lamar does not collect its receivables as fast as the rest of the industry. Their receivable turnover is 5.2% compared to the 9.3% of the industry and it takes them 31 more days to collect their accounts receivable. These ratios simply show how long a customer’s account stays on the book. Lamar is able to generate more sales per dollar of inventory because the inventory turnover is 6.5% versus the average of 5.1%. Liquidity ratios are the third group of ratios that a firm looks at during a trend analysis. When comparing these ratios a firm may look at their ability to pay off short-term obligations as they happen. Lamar’s current ...

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Multicast routing in mobile networking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Multicast routing in mobile networking - Essay Example MAODV is the best in communicating from the sender to the receiver nodes. Packet delivery ratio for MAODV and AODV This is the ratio between the packet of data that are actually delivered and those sent by the source.AODV been a multicast routing protocol it performs slightly better than MAODV in terms of packet delivery ratio. The ratio increase as the number of receivers decreases. These are very shocking a result since MAODV is designed to handle multiple receivers. Magld (2007) This is a ratio measured against the pause time. It also used in measuring mobility. The results are expected because this is the testing a mobile ad hoc network environment.MAODV is seen to deliver more packets as long as time is not increased .It works better than AODV and FDQA. AODV and FDQA vary slightly overtime but they are much lower in terms of success rather than MAODV. Magld (2007) FDQA is designed to deal with one QoS requirement delay .FDQA has high end-to-end delay over time. In comparison to MAODV and AODV, which has lower latency in short, term .FDQA algorithm, this is based on Fanos algorithm. The simulation I have conducted is testing the effect change in the node delay that has the success ratio. I have also tested the node delay effect on the average message overhead. The result shows the node delay positively affects both FDQA and A0DV success ratios and it has much of an effect on average message overheads for FDQA. MAODV and AODV are compared in relation to three parameters namely; Throughput, latency and packet delivery ratio.MAODV has performed slightly better but not in all of them. It has generally works better in a multicast ad hoc network environment than AODV does despite having same similarities. In comparing MAODV, AODV and FDQA I have found that MAODV has a higher performance that FDQA in relation to packet delivery ratio.FDQA algorithm has been designed to address

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Police corruption Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Police corruption - Assignment Example It is marked by simultaneous occurrence of mishandling of official capacity and mishandling of personal attainment. It is carried out by violation of state or federal laws or the constitutional rights of the individual. Corruption may also involve material benefit or a profit gained through abuse of public authority. Police corruption is a pervasive phenomenon, yet it is not bound by ranks. It is typified by such acts as bribery, extortion, receiving or selling stolen property and aiding or abetting or carrying out drug pedaling. Broadly, it may also include indulging in such acts as violence and brutality, fabrication or destruction of evidence, racism, or favoritism. Knapp Commission describe three basic kinds of corruption; bribery, shakedowns and mooching . Police may use subtle to extreme methods to indulge in corruption. However, no single reason can be ascribed to the existence of police corruption (Gainer and Miller, 2008). Wicershkam Commission was appointed by President Herbert Hoover in 1929. George W. Wicershkam headed the National Committee on Law Observation and Enforcement, which was popularly called the Wicershkam Commission. Wicershkam Commission was charged with investigating the causes of widespread criminal activity and finding causes of violations of national prohibition policy. It was the first of its kind national level enquiry into the causes of crime and law enforcement. The commission presented its report in 14 volumes in a study carried out from 1931 to 1932. The commission handed out a severe indictment of police thus confirming the presence of misconduct and corruption in its functioning. Apart from the use of violence and brutality it also pointed out the instances of bribery, corruption, coercion, fabrication of evidence and entrapment. Knapp Commission or the Commission to Investigate the Alleged Police Corruption was appointed under the chairmanship of Whitman

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Epidemiology of Schizophrenia Essay Example for Free

Epidemiology of Schizophrenia Essay Medical experts view schizophrenia as the cancer of all mental illness. This is because it is possibly the most dangerous and devastating mental illness known to man. Today, about one in every 100 mature American suffers from schizophrenia. This translates to nearly 2.5 million people. At the present, the disease has no known cure and it can only be managed. Although schizophrenia can manifest itself in any age, majority of the schizophrenic people show signs in their early twenties. In most cases, males show the first signs of schizophrenia at an earlier stage compared to females but unlike most other mental illnesses, the disease is evenly distributed across gender (McGrath, et al. 2005). Although there has been much research touching on this disease, the exact cause of schizophrenia is still unknown. However, researchers have found out through brain scans of individuals suffering from the disease that there are notable differences from a brain scan done on a person who does not have the diseases. However, the biggest cause of schizophrenia is believed to be genetic factor since the disease runs in families. There is also a belief among researchers that people develop schizophrenia due to the absence of some fundamental genes. In order to best understand the epidemiology of schizophrenia in the U.S., this paper will first seek to define epidemiology in order to make it easier to understand this disease in a better way. The paper will then proceed to define and illustrate the epidemiology triangle and give an illustration of how this is related to schizophrenia (Jablensky, 2003). Epidemiology Epidemiology is the investigation of the occurrence, distribution, and causes of diseases among other health-affiliated situations in human beings. Additionally, epidemiology also deals with how the investigation of these factors can be utilized to promote better health and to prevent and manage health problems. In trying to address the issue of epidemiology, the focus is usually on the outcome of disease on a certain population rather than on individuals. Ideally, some certain diseases might prevalent in some areas while others are rare. Although the rare disease might be more deadly as compared to the prevalent one, epidemiology tends to give more emphasis on the prevalent disease since it affects many people (Hennekens, Buring, 1987). Ideally, the fact that epidemiology deals with the issue of frequency goes ahead to prove that it is a quantitative science. Epidemiology specifically deals with the rate of occurrence of diseases and supplementary health related conditions. The frequency of diseases is determined by morbidity and the rate of death. Ideally, epidemiology goes beyond the confines of the disease to cover other health related conditions because every human activity has a direct effect on health. Health related conditions are factors, which have a direct or indirect consequence or influence on human health (John, 2001). When discussing distribution in epidemiology, the issue that is considered is the geographical distribution of infections, the circulation in relation to time, and distribution in the manner of the individuals that are affected in a certain region. In addition to distribution, epidemiology also examines the determinants issues, which are the determining factors on whether or not a person will contract an illness. Lastly, epidemiology seeks to investigate the issue of how the clinical investigations of the disease can be used to promote better health and to prevent and control related health problems (John, 2001). Disease Causation In order to carry out an epidemiology of a certain disease, it is critical to examine how diseases are caused. Ideally, the cause of a disease means the events, conditions, characteristics or an amalgamation of all these factors, which plays a significant role in bringing out the disease. In examining the cause of any disease, the first thing to examine is the primary causes. Generally, primary causes are the factors, which are critical for an illness to happen. In order to make the examination of disease causes to sound more scientific, the term etiologic agent is used in place of the primary cause. For example, in the epidemiology of pulmonary tuberculosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis is considered the etiologic agent or the main cause (Mausner, Bahn, 2010). In addition to the primary causes in the examination of disease causes, the risk factors are also considered. Although risk factors might not be necessary for a disease to occur, the truth is that they have a significant role in the formation of diseases. Ideally, any factor that is linked with heightened incidence of a disease is a risk factor for the exposed population. In most cases, risk factors have an association to the agent but in other cases, they might have a direct relation to the population and the surroundings (Mausner, Bahn, 2010). The Epidemiologic Triangle Fig 1.1 Diagrammatic Representation of the Epidemiologic Triangle Agent Host Environment The epidemiologic triangle shows the association among the agent, environment, and host in the incidence of disease. In this triangle, the agent is considered a factor whose existence or nonexistence, insufficiency or surplus is essential for a particular illness to happen. On the other hand, the environment incorporates all the outside factors, other than the agent that can affect health. These two factors are then classified according to whether they fit in the societal, bodily or genetic environments. Ideally, the societal environment covers a wide spectrum of factors including the education level, unemployment, and many other factors as pertains to political and the legal systems (Mausner, Bahn, 2010). Epidemiology of Schizophrenia According to statistics, an average of 1 percent of American adults suffers from schizophrenia at any given year thus bringing the figure to more than 2.5 million people. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), schizophrenia affects an average of 24 million people worldwide with the worldwide prevalence standing at 8 percent. Given that 2.5 million of these people live in the U.S., it is clear that the country has the highest cases of schizophrenic cases (Eaton, 1991). Ideally, it is important to note that schizophrenia is fundamentally different from incidence of the disease. When talking about an incidence of 8 percent – 1 percent, this does not indicate the number of people diagnosed with schizophrenic cases in any given year. On the contrary, the prevalence rate refers to the average number of people who are suffering from schizophrenia at any given time thus demonstrating on how widespread the disease is. On the other hand, the incidence rate depicts the number of people who are freshly diagnosed with schizophrenia at a specific time and it is used to gauge the possibility of contracting the disease. Since schizophrenia is considered a chronic disease meaning that sufferers stay with it for life, the prevalence rate is higher compared to incidence. According to statistics, the incidence rate of schizophrenia is about 3 in every ten thousand people and one of the three people is an American (Jablensky, 2000). Diagnosis of Schizophrenia Despite all the medical advances today, mental illness remains hard to diagnose. However, with schizophrenia being viewed as a serious condition, much research is being carried out to develop ways of diagnosing the disease before its manifestation. At the present time, the diagnosis is based on the presence of clinical indications. Unlike other diseases, a qualified psychiatrist or psychologist can only conduct schizophrenic diagnosis. Despite this, a person suspected to be suffering from schizophrenia is still subjected to laboratory tests in order to rule out the presence of other related medical disorders such as brain tumors (Eaton, 1991). In the U.S., a person suspected to be schizophrenic is interviewed and observed by a healthcare professional and by the people around the individual in order to obtain a clear clinical image. If after ruling out the presence of other mental conditions the person still demonstrates signs of the disease, then a diagnosis of schizophrenia is specified. The biggest challenge of diagnosing schizophrenia in both the U.S. and elsewhere in the world is that the individual might be paranoid and hence become opposed to examination. In most cases, the individual does not think that he has a problem and this means that he/she does not seek medical attention without any prompting (Eaton, 1991). Incidence Ideally, the incidence rate of schizophrenia in the U.S. differs significantly among various groups. Although the disease is believed to be present in nearly every group, this rate is believed to be higher among migrants. In addition to this, the disease is also believed to be higher among twins but this might be due to the genetic factor that the disease posits. By way of incidence estimates, the average estimate among migrant groups is close to 15.2 percent for every 100,000 migrants with the average among natives standing at about 10.2 percent for every100, 000 people. This goes ahead to show that the disease is evenly distributed among Americans despite of race. Despite this, the various studies conducted to determine the incidence rates between migrants and Native Americans have shown significant differences. In the past, the disease was believed to be prevalent in urban centers but this belief has been discounted with the passage of time. The distribution of the incidence estimate does not also show any difference according to economic status (Eaton, 1991). Prevalence The prevalence rate of schizophrenia in the U.S. has been consistent across the various studies conducted over the years. Ideally, the lifetime prevalence rate stands at 5.0 per every 1,000 individuals. Overall, schizophrenia is believed to affect one in every a hundred Americans and this estimate is based on the data collected by government agencies on lifetime morbid risk data thus making it reliable (Jablensky, 2000). Mortality Rate Schizophrenia is believed to be one of the leading causes of death in America. Compared to the ordinary person, a schizophrenic person has a two-threefold increased possibility of dying. This risk in increased by the fact that schizophrenic people are most likely to commit suicide. However, schizophrenic people are still most likely to die due to the comorbid somatic conditions presented by the disease. In the last few years, the mortality rate of schizophrenia in the U.S. has been on the rise. This is because schizophrenic people do not share in the improved health enjoyed the rest of the society. The increased mortality rate could also have been increased by the increase of generic antipsychotic medicines that have flooded the American market (Jablensky, 2000). Outcomes after Diagnosis The statistics on the outcome of America citizens diagnosed with schizophrenia is not encouraging at all. According to researchers, 25 percent of people diagnosed with schizophrenia end up leading normal lives after ten years of living with the disease while 25 percent of those improve but still require personalized treatment. However, the remaining 50 percent end up hospitalized where 10 percent of those end up committing suicide (Brown, 2000). Although there have been significant strides in diagnosing and treating schizophrenia cases in the U.S., the fact remains that so much still needs to be done. The government has been supporting legislations that seek to fund studies on the function of brain chemistry, brain enhancement, and genetic configurations and how these can be used to find a cure for this mental cancer. Doctors have also become adept at diagnosing the disease at an early stage although the drugs to treat the disease are still not as effective and this has hampered the efforts to control the disease in America (Brown, 2000). Conclusion In the conclusion, it must be stated that medical experts consider schizophrenia as the cancer among all the mental illness. This is because it is possibly the most dangerous and devastating mental illness in existence. Despite the numerous breakthroughs in medical science, the cause and cure for schizophrenia has not yet been found. Today, America is believed to be the leading country in the world in schizophrenia cases. Unlike other conditions, the incidence and prevalence rates are equal across the gender and the ethnic divide. Despite this, the prevalence rate of schizophrenia is believed to be higher among migrants as compared to Native Americans. References Brown, S. (2000). Excess Mortality of Schizophrenia: A Meta-Analysis. Br J Psychiatry 171: 502-508. Eaton, W. (1991). Update on the Epidemiology of Schizophrenia. Epidemiol Review 2: 105-126 Hennekens, C. and Buring, J. (1987). Epidemiology in Medicine. Toronto: Little, Brown and Company. Jablensky, A. (2000). Epidemiology of Schizophrenia: The Global Burden of Disease and Disability. Psychiatry Today 2 (250): 274-285. Jablensky, A. (2003). Schizophrenia: The Epidemiological Horizon. Oxford: Blackwell Science. John, M. (2001). A Dictionary of Epidemiology. London: Oxford University Press. Mausner, G. and Bahn, K. (2010). Introductory Text of Epidemiology. Second Edition. W. B. Saunders. McGrath, J., Saha, S., et al. (2005). A Systematic Review of the Incidence of Schizophrenia; The Distribution of Rates and the Influence of Sex, Urbanicity, Migrant Status and Methodology. BMC Med 2, (13): 56-100.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Medea and Nietzsches Will to Power Essay -- Comparison Compare Contra

Medea and Nietzsche's Will to Power When Medea kills her children, audiences react with shock and horror. Any sympathy viewers have built for the woman is, in the words of Elizabeth Vandiver, â€Å"undercut† by this act (15). Since Medea is the protagonist, we question why Euripides chose to make her a child murderer. Most scholars agree that he invented this part of the myth. He also lessened her role as witch by drawing attention to her human qualities. This only highlights the infanticide (14) because we cannot excuse her ruthless act as monstrous and non-human. However, Medea remains very human until after she kills her sons. Appearing at the end of the play in the deus ex machina, she takes over not only the position but also the words of the gods. Euripides has transformed her into a different character. Exactly what the character is and what Euripides’ message is remains arguable. However, if we agree that Euripides had a modern sensibility and an almost prophetic sense of upcoming social struggles , as many scholars have posited, then we can also see why this play continues to fascinate us so much (Kawashima 50; Bellinger 49; Skinner). Edith Hamilton points to one aspect of Medea that seems especially relevant to modern audiences: Euripides’ valuation of the individual. She believes that he is the only classical writer to tap into two dominant themes in today’s world: â€Å"sympathy with suffering and the conviction of the worth of everyone alive† (197). Of course, as soon as we try to classify what it means to be an individual in the modern sense, we run into the plethora of theories out there. However, Medea poses difficulties as a protagonist that seem well-suited to the Nietzschean philosophy of tragedy and will. She ass... .../CLAS_351/ lecture24.html>. Roche, Paul, trans. Euripides: Ten Plays. NY: Signet, 1998. Schact, Richard. â€Å"Dionysian and Apollonian.† Oxford Companion to Philosophy. Ed. Ted Honderich. Oxford and NY: Oxford UP, 1995. 10 Nov. 2002. . Skinner, Marilyn B. â€Å"Lecture 9: Hellenistic Women.† Diotima. 1995. 15 Nov. 2002. . Taylor, Alan. â€Å"Will to Power.† Mus(e)ings†¦on Nietzsche: Wanderings and Reflections. 1996. 30 Oct. 2002. . Vandiver, Elizabeth. Greek Tragedy: Course Guidebook. Part II. Chantilly, VA: The Teaching Company, 2000. Vellacott, Philip, trans. Medea. By Euripides. Literature of the Western World. 3rd ed. Vol. 1. Ed. Brian Wilkie and James Hurt. NY: Macmillan, 1988. 853-86.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Dynamic and formal equivalence Essay

?Commentory on translation Choisir une notion (foreignization) ? Explain and expand it Explain the key concepts Critics about Relate this approach to the translation task Seminar paper choisir un article qui parle de traduction resumez l’article et presentez les differents point critiques qui on ete faites sur l’auteur critiques justifies ou pas ? Domestication and Foreignization Theory. Domestication and foreignization are two basic translation strategies which provide both linguistic and cultural guidance for translators in rendering culture-specific source texts into target texts. The invisibility of translator is related to theory of domestication and foreignization. In his experiences as a translator and at the same time his inspirations by German philosopher Schleiermacher, Venuti describes the role and activity of translator in British and American cultures. In fact, Venuti’s work is inspired by Schleiermacher’s essay where he moves beyond strict issues of word-for-word and sense-for-sense, literal, faithful and free translation, and considers that there is only two options to translate ‘truly’: Either the translator leaves the writer in peace as much as possible and moves the reader toward him, or he leaves the reader in peace as much as possible and moves the writer toward him (Munday: p. 46) Domestication: Domestication is the type of translation which involves minimizing the source-text foreign elements to the target-language cultural values. Foreignization, on the other extreme, involves retaining the foreigness of the original-language text. In Venuti? s perspective, the foreign elements should be highlighted by the translator to register the linguistic and cultural difference of the foreign text. The debate over domestication and its extreme method of foreignization has strongly influenced by and later developed from the time-worn controversy over literal and free translation methods (Dongfeng 2002). Literal and liberal translations are two techniques adopted to tackle the linguistic form, whereas domestication and foreignization transcend linguistic boundaries. They are more concerned with the two cultures. The former replaces the source culture with the target culture and the latter preserves the differences in both linguistic presentation and cultural connotation of the source culture (Yang, 2010).

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck - 1292 Words

John Steinbeck’s novel The Grapes of Wrath tells the story of Tom Joad, a man who leaves his home state of Oklahoma and journeys with his family to California for work during the Great Depression (Steinbeck). However, although fictional, the story hit too close to home for many Americans at the time. Some argued that the book was propaganda and exaggerated the conditions of the working class, and copies were burned in protest (â€Å"Banned Book Awareness†). In reality, Steinbeck s description of the conditions workers deal with was an understatement, and he speaks out against banks that evict families with debt (â€Å"Banned Book Awareness†). Steinbeck’s novel was a call to action addressed to the government, demanding that they do something to†¦show more content†¦In the fall, stock prices had reached unrealistic levels that couldn’t be matched by corporate earnings (â€Å"Great Depression†). By October, investors lost confidence in the market and rushed to sell their stocks due to declining prices (â€Å"Great Depression†). On October 24, prices declined by 33% causing the Great Crash of 1929 (â€Å"Great Depression†). The stock market crash was only the beginning for America. â€Å"Over the next several years, consumer spending and investment dropped, causing steep declines in industrial output and rising levels of unemployment as failing companies laid off workers† (â€Å"The Great Depression†). By 1931, over 6 million Americans were left unemployed (â€Å"The Great Depression†). Thousands of banks were shut down by 1933 due to many investors demanding cash deposits and forcing banks to liquidate loans (â€Å"The Great Depression†). â€Å"Banks, which typically hold only a fraction of deposits as cash reserves, must liquidate loans in order to raise the required cash. This process of hasty liquidation can cause even a previously solvent bank to fail† (â€Å"Great Depression†). Even with millions of Americans left bankrupt, things managed to go from bad to worse. â€Å"Farmers (who had been struggling with their own economic depression for much of the 1920s due to drought and falling food prices) couldn’t afford to harvest their crops, and were forced to leave them rotting in the fields